NEWS CLIP: Remembering the Fall of the Berlin Wall

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Duluth, MN — Today marks the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. The fall became a powerful symbol that represented the end of the cold war. Here’s how Northlanders are celebrating and remembering the historic moment.

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NEWS CLIP: From East Berlin to America: Furchert Recounts Fall of Berlin Wall

Even though 25 years have passed since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of East Berlin’s communist regime, Michael Furchert’s memories remain clear.

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Decision 2000>> Taking a Stand for Christ

as published in DECISION MAGAZINE, June issue 2000
the monthly Magazine of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

By Michael Furchert

For the graduation ball my class had decided to dress-up as angels with a devil’s tail. My classmates knew that I would not want to miss this celebration. But they wanted me to compromise my faith – at least for this one day – and to join in the mocking of God. I had been so excited for this celebration ball, but I did not want to be a “wimp” for the Lord.

Once again I needed to make a stand for God. While my class went to the graduation ball, I stood in the garden, cutting the lawn, wiping away the tears from my eyes.

Taking a Stand for Christ

I grew up behind the Berlin Wall in East Germany. My life was deprived of freedom in a country that didn’t acknowledge God. I was seven years old when I realized that I needed to make a stand against the Communist government that taught that there was no God.

When I began attending school, I discovered that every pupil was required to join the Communist Young Pioneers and to submit to that group’s beliefs. I needed to make a decision. Did I want to be one of them? Did I want to have friends, to gain their respect and recognition? Or did I want to go alone against the odds–believing in God who they claimed did not exist?

My father took me aside.”You need to make a decision,” he had said. “We have shown you the way of faith. But we can’t go it for you.” I had understood what he meant. If I would decide for God, my life would become very difficult. It would mean that I would have to take a stand against the governmental system in which I loved, and I would have to be strong enough to face the consequences.

I stood up in school and refused to join the Young Pioneers. I could not give my heart to Communist beliefs because I knew that God exists. I had decided to put my faith in Him, and now I had to stand strong.

I could not take part in the weekly meetings of my class, I was blocked from many events at school, and I did not receive a school uniform. I refused to sing the Communist songs and to count soldiers, guns and tanks in mathematics. My classmates laughed at me and mocked me. I didn’t seem to fit in.

I knew that without dedication to Communism I would not have the chance to attend college or to have a good profession. So long as I would not submit, I would face disadvantages and exclusion. My father and grandfather had already lost their jobs for being confessing Christians.

It would have been easy to hide my faith. Must a little compromise, a little going with the crowd, and I could be one of them—I could have friends, gain respect and recognition. But Jesus said that if I would stand up for Him on earth, He would also stand up for me in heaven (Matthew 10:32).

Jesus had stood up for me when He gave His life on the cross. But He had risen, and He is alive. This thought gave me the strength to march on in faith.

Becoming an “Adult”

I grew older, and the biggest event in the life of a teenager in East Germany approached–the Youth Consecration. On this day every student was solemnly declared an “adult” person deserving respect and recognition. During the celebration, teenagers had to pledge an oath to support Communism.

I had to make a choice again. I wanted to become an “adult” person too, but I would not compromise my faith. When the students went to the celebration hall, I stayed at home. I could not give my life to a system that taught that there was no God just so that I could become an “adult”.

The Youth Consecration was followed by a sightseeing tour for the entire class–except for me, since I had refused to take the oath. because of my faith in God, I remained a child in their eyes. While my class traveled for one week to celebrate their new adult lives, I was put on a construction site to carry heavy stones and to clean up trash.

Relying on Jesus

I had not become an “adult” but no one could stop me from turning 16. I was the oldest in our class, and I would be the first one riding a motorcycle to school. What a chance to gain respect and recognition! But to get a driver’s license, one needed to sign a document of dedication to Communist beliefs.

Again I had to make a choice. I could be “somebody” now, but it would require a compromise. People laughed and pointed fingers at me when I was the last one still riding a bicycle to school, while everybody else had surrendered and received their vehicle license.

I felt hurt, but I had Jesus on my side. He wiped away my tears. When others pushed me away, He welcomed me. When others rejected me, He taught me how precious I am to Him. When the world gave me only hatred, He showed me love.

The Communist government in East Germany has gone. The government has failed, and the Berlin Wall has crashed down. What remains is my faith in God and my gratefulness for having learned to stand up for Jesus Christ–the One who stood up for me.



Why did the Church in Nazi Germany fail to take stand? Are their parallels to modern American Christianity? This powerful message shows why more than battling to get the church back into power we need to get the power back into the Church.


The Daily Tribune>> A Wall of Faith

Sharing a message of the importance of freedom.

If the socialist structure of East Berlin would have been half as strong as Michael Furchert’s Christian beliefs, the fall of the Berlin Wall and unification of Germany may have never happened.

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Duluth News Tribune – Faith Rewarded

In school, Michael Furchert was told to count soldier, guns and tanks instead of apples, oranges and toys. In phys-ed, students tossed fake grenades instead of balls. The Berlin Wall prevented the East German from visiting his maternal grandparents, who lived in West Berlin, until he was 16. Furchert dreamed that life in a free country “must be paradise.”

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Duluth News Tribune – Faith Gave Them Hope